My spouse and…See the first comment’s continuation
It could be a picture of text.
Our somewhat tubby cat slid between our knees into our house and then rushed up the stairs as our Uber came.
My husband raced inside to get our cat, who likes to chase our parakeet, and placed her back in the backyard because we didn’t want to leave them alone.
I told the Uber driver that my husband would be away for a little while since he was just saying goodnight to my mother and I didn’t want him to know that our house would be empty all evening.
As the car drew away, he said, “Sorry it took so long, but the stupid bitch was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her ass with a coat hanger to get her to come out!” to my increasing horror and amusement. A few minutes later, he got into the Uber all hot and bothered.
When she attempted to remove herself, I caught her by the neck and covered her with a blanket to prevent her from scratching me as she had done previously.
However, it was successful! She had better not shit in the vegetable garden again after I flung her into the backyard after dragging her big ass down the stairs.There was an unbearable hush in the Uber.